I didn't want to mention this, worrying I might jinx it, but it is clear that August 2012 will the driest in Seattle history. So far we have had a trace--which means a sprinkle that is less than .01 inches. (The National Weather Service defines measurable rain as rain of .01 inches or more.) The previous record was in 1974 when .01 inches...
The Benefits of Tropical Storms and Hurricanes
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Although there is a lot of media coverage of the damage and destruction accompanying tropical storms and hurricanes, such storms can also have important benefits.For example, landfalling tropical storms can be an important source of water, water that can lessen droughts and recharge underground aquifers. For example, take tropical storm Isaac. ...
The Real Threat of Tropical Storm/Hurricane Isaac
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The media isn't talking about this much, but the real threat of tropical storm Isaac may be heavy precipitation and flooding....not winds and storm surge.Recent model runs suggest the storm might stall over southern Lousiana, resulting in huge amounts of precipitation (storm totals of 12-24 inches in some locations). Here is the latest...
First Frost and Tropical Storm Isaac
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Nights are getting longer now and with clear skies some locations, particularly east of the Cascades in low spots, are dropping into the 30s and even to freezing.For example, at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge, southwest of Spokane (see map above) yesterday morning (25 August), there were 3 hours at or below freezing for the surface air temperature...
Sea-Tac Heat
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Roughly a year ago, I provided some evidence that the construction of the third Sea-Tac runway, with the ancillary taxiways and removal of a vegetated slopes, has resulted in an anomalous warming at the airport during warm summer days, particularly when the winds are from the north or northwest. This is important for a number of reasons. ...
Want Warm Water--Get a Boat!
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It is not unusual during summer to view a satellite image like the following, with a narrow sliver of low cloud along the Northwest coast. Why does this occur?MODIS satellite image on August 12thThe answer: cold water along the coast due to ocean upwelling (cold water coming up from below). It is not usual during the summer...
Midsummer Drought?
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Your plants know it, and so will your water bills if you have a garden. Over western Washington most places have not seen rain in roughly four weeks.For Seattle, the last day of measureable precipitation (at least .01 inch) was July 22. For Spokane and Wenatchee, its been dry since July 20th.Are we in a drought now? Lets check the latest...
Escaping the Lightning Bullet
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The convective band is now passing through the region, and the strongest thunderstorms and most of the lightning passed offshore. Little lightning over the Cascades and thus only a minor threat of lightning induced fires...some good news for those dealing with wildfires.Here is a recent radar...you can see where the showers are:The next issue...
New Wildfire Threat
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The fires around Ellensburg and Cle Elum are now slowly being contained, with a huge assist from the heat wave west of the Cascades. Ironically, the west-side heat and the associated thermal trough of low pressure has reversed the pressure difference across the Cascades, greatly weakening the strong winds over Kittitas County that allowed the...
Can a major wildfire occur west of the Cascade crest?
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Friday AM Update: Weather-Related Fire Threat this WeekendOnce the new runs come this morning, I will talk about the threat of lightning and strong winds returning to Kittitas County (Cle-Elum to Ellensburg). Talked about it on KPLU this morning (9AM on air or on KPLU.ORG after 9:30 AM)As our hearts go out to the people who have lost...
Why a heat wave may slow down the Cle Elum fire
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Wed Morning Update: The pressure differences across the mountains have weakened and the winds of Ellensburg have died down. Temperatures there are roughly 10F cooler than yesterday this morning, due to the light winds (less mixing of warm air down to the surface). This situation should stop the explosive growth and restrain the westward...